Configuring the Switch
CLI – Enter the IP address of at least one SMTP server, set the syslog severity level
to trigger an email message, and specify the switch (source) and up to five recipient
(destination) email addresses. Enable SMTP with the logging sendmail command
to complete the configuration. Use the show logging sendmail command to display
the current SMTP configuration.
Resetting the System
Web – Click System, Reset to reboot the switch. When prompted, confirm that you
want reset the switch.
Figure 3-20 Resetting the System
CLI – Use the reload command to restart the switch. When prompted, confirm that
you want to reset the switch.
When restarting the system, it will always run the Power-On Self-Test.
Console(config)#logging sendmail host 4-50
Console(config)#logging sendmail level 4 4-51
Console(config)#logging sendmail source-email john@acme.com 4-52
Console(config)##logging sendmail destination-email geoff@acme.com 4-52
Console(config)#logging sendmail 4-53
Console#show logging sendmail 4-53
SMTP servers
SMTP minimum severity level: 4
SMTP destination email addresses
1. geoff@acme.com
SMTP source email address: john@acme.com
SMTP status: Enabled
Console#reload 4-23
System will be restarted, continue <y/n>? y