Access Control List Commands
access-list mac
This command adds a MAC access list and enters MAC ACL configuration mode.
Use the no form to remove the specified ACL.
[no] access-list mac acl_name
acl_name – Name of the ACL. (Maximum length: 16 characters)
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Usage
• An egress ACL must contain all deny rules.
• When you create a new ACL or enter configuration mode for an existing ACL,
use the permit or deny command to add new rules to the bottom of the list.
To create an ACL, you must add at least one rule to the list.
• To remove a rule, use the no permit or no deny command followed by the
exact text of a previously configured rule.
• An ACL can contain up to 32 rules.
Table 4-35. MAC ACL Commands
Command Function
Mode Page
access-list mac Creates a MAC ACL and enters configuration mode GC 4-101
permit, deny Filters packets matching a specified source and
destination address, packet format, and Ethernet type
MAC-ACL 4-102
show mac access-list Displays the rules for configured MAC ACLs PE 4-103
access-list mac
Changes to the mode for configuring access control masks GC 4-104
mask Sets a precedence mask for the ACL rules MAC-Mask 4-105
show access-list mac
Shows the ingress or egress rule masks for MAC ACLs PE 4-107
mac access-group Adds a port to a MAC ACL IC 4-107
show mac access-group Shows port assignments for MAC ACLs PE 4-108
map access-list mac Sets the CoS value and corresponding output queue for
packets matching an ACL rule
IC 4-108
show map access-list mac Shows CoS value mapped to an access list for an interface PE 4-109
match access-list mac Changes the 802.1p priority the priority of a frame
matching the defined rule (i.e., also called packet marking)
IC 4-110
show marking Displays the current configuration for packet marking PE 4-100