saved and will be restored until the ports are aggregated. Note such restoration will be
performed only once, if an aggregated group is ungrouped and aggregated again, the
initial user configuration will not be restored. If it is the configuration to other modules,
such as shutdown or speed configuration, then the configuration to current port will apply
to all member ports in the corresponding port group.
Example: Enter configuration mode for port-channel1.
Switch(Config)#interface port-channel 1
10.3 Port Channel Example
Scenario 1: Configuring Port Channel in LACP.
Fig 10-2 Configuring Port Channel in LACP
The switches in the description below are all ES4626/ES4650 switches.
As shown in the figure, port 1, 2, 3 of Switch1 are access ports that belong to vlan1, add
those three port to group1 in active mode; port 6, 8, 9 of Switch2 are trunk ports that allow
all, add those three ports to group2 in passive mode. All the ports are connected with
cables. (the four connecting lines in the figure)
The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch1 (Config)#interface eth 1/1-3
Switch1 (Config-Port-Range)#port-group 1 mode active
Switch1 (Config-Port-Range)#exit
Switch1 (Config)#interface port-channel 1
Switch1 (Config-If-Port-Channel1)#