Chapter 2 54
This menu allows the user to decide the order of boot devices to load the operating system. Bootable
devices includes the distette drive in module bay, the onboard hard disk drive and the CD-ROM
in module bay and onboard LAN device.
Default boot sequence should be the following:
1. Hard Drive
2. Floppy Devices
3. CD-ROM/DVD Drive
4. Network Boot (since only 3 items are availble, if above 3 items are invalid, a boot menu should be shown
when boot.)
PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility
Info. Main Advanced Security Exit
Item Specific Help
Floppy Devices
+ and - indicate device
categories. Use <Enter> to
Boot order is top-down using
only the top device in each
Use <F6> and <F5> to move
highlighted item up and down.
F1 Help
Select Item F5/F6 Change Values F9 Setup Defaults
Esc Exit
Select Menu Enter Select
Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit
Network Boot
+Hard Drive