50 Chapter 2
Chipset Settings
The Chipset Settings will be shown only if you press
Alt + F4
in main menu:
Press Enter
to view the Chipset settings information.
Graphics Aperture Size This parameter determines the effective size of the
graphics aperture. Graphics aperture is the address
range that the AGP video and the CPU use to manage
graphical objects. The lowest setting is 8 MB and the
highest is 256 MB.
User input
Plug and Play OS When this parameter is set to Yes, BIOS initializes only
PnP boot devices such as SCSI cards. When set to No,
BIOS initializes all PnP boot and non-boot devices such
as sound cards.
Note: Set this parameter to Yes only if your operating
system is Windows 95/98/2000.
or No
Reset Resource
Set this parameter to Yes to avoid IRQ conflict when
installing non-PnP or PnP ISA cards. This clears all
resource assignments and allows BIOS to reassign
resources to all installed PnP devices the next time the
system boots. After clearing the resource data, the
parameter resets to No.
Parameter Description Options
Advanced Options
Memory/Cache Options
PnP/PCI Options
*Chipset Settings