ASM 7.0 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Acer Confidential
c. Copy lmsensor file, it’s the sensors related files for non-IPMI based system in Linux
# mount /mnt/cdrom
# cp /mnt/cdrom/ism/Software/linux/lmsensors.tar.gz /usr/src
d. Install lmsensor file
# cd /usr/src
# tar –zxvf lmsensors.tar.gz
# cd msensors
# ./install.sh
When finished, sensors-detect will configure the lm85 sensors to /etc/lm85.conf and /etc/rc*. You
could execute “sensors” in a terminal window of Linux to check if lmsensor package has been
installed properly. If the lmsensor package has been successfully installed on system, the H/W sensor
reading will response on screen when you execute “sensors” command.
3. How do I install ASM 7.0 build 200T (or later) in Linux?
ANSWER: Please refer to “ASM 7.0 Getting Started Guide” for detail requirements in Linux environment.
Besides, be kindly informed,
1. Check “everything” in package selection for Linux installation option.
2. The Linux setup script can only execute in X Window
Then, please follow the instructions to install ASM 7.0 build 200T (or later) in Linux below.
a. Insert ASM 7.0 build 200T CDROM (EasyBUILD 7.0 Management CD)
Login as root
b. Install ASM 7.0
# mount /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom/ism/Software
# ./setup
NOTE 1: For systems without BMC (e.g. Altos G310 Mk2, G320, G530), there is a separated installation
process for sensors related files in Linux. Please continue the installation process with below step c and
step d
NOTE 2: Please refer to ASM 7.0 Release Notes for lmsensor package installation procedure
NOTE 3: For system with BMC (e.g. Altos R510 Mk2), below step c and step d are not required.
c. Copy lmsensor file. This is the sensors related file for non-IPMI based system in Linux
# mount /mnt/cdrom
# cp /mnt/cdrom/ism/Software/linux/32bit/server/lm85/lmsensor.tar.gz /usr/src
d. Install lmsensor file
# cd /usr/src
# tar –zxvf lmsensors.tar.gz
# cd lmsensor