
AcerRouter 700 Series User Guide 6-5
Enable IP: allows IP routing over a connection using this profile.
Remote IP Address: the IP address of a destination computer on a network
reachable through this connection.
Remote IP Netmask: the IP subnet mask of the Remote IP Address.
Enable IPX: allows IPX routing over a connection using this profile.
IPX RIP/SAP: enables or disables IPX Routing Information Protocol and
Service Advertising Protocol.
Set as IPX Default Route: specifies whether this connection is used as the
default IPX route if no other route for an IPX packet can be found in the
routing table.
Remote IPX Network Number: the IPX network number of a network
reachable through this connection. If you set this connection as the default
IPX route, an entry in this field is not required.
Enable Bridging: enables or disables bridging to bridge other protocols,
for example, SNA, Appletalk, and NetBEUI.
Enable Encryption: allows DES encryption. If you select DES
encryption you must enter a DES Encryption key.
Encryption key: the DES encryption key used by other systems to
establish contact with your system. This must be a hexadecimal number
(0-9, a-f) with up to 14 digits, depending upon the strength of encryption
licensed for your site.
Confirm Encryption key: re-enter the DES encryption key to confirm its
correct entry.
Note: For security reasons, encryption options only appear if you are
connected to the AcerRouter 700 over a local LAN and if encryption is enabled
on your system.
Step 2 Click OK.
Step 3 Click APPLY.
IP Packet Filtering
This section describes the IP packet filtering feature.
Note: Packet filtering is a sophisticated feature that can substantially impact your
AcerRouter 700 operation. Therefore be sure that you fully understand the description
in this chapter before you start to configure and use this feature, since if you make any
mistakes, it may produce drastic and potentially undesired results.
An IP Packet Filtering Overview
The AcerRouter 700 already provides you with many different ways to ensure the
security of your data in your local environment. For example, the concept of single IP
address and private networking means devices on your network can access the
Internet, but not vice versa.This feature has proven to be useful and effective to most
However, for some users, additional security requirements may exist, which can be