90h Initialize hard-disk controller. If the CMOS
RAM is valid and intact, and fixed disks are
defined, call the fixed disk init routine to
intialize the fixed disk system and take over
the appropriate interrupt vectors.
91h Configure the local bus IDE timing register
based on the drives attached to it.
92h Jump to UserPatch2.
93h Build MPTABLE for multi-processor boards.
95h 1. Check CMOS for CD-ROM drive present
2. Activate the drive by checking for media
3. Check sector 11h (17) for Boot Record Vol-
ume Descriptor
4. Check the boot catalog for validity
5. Pick a boot entry
6. Create a Specification Packet
96h Reset segment-register addressibility from
4GB to normal 64K by generating a Shut-
down 8.
97h Create pointer to MP table in Extended
98h 1-2 Search for option ROMs. ROM scan the area
from C800h for a length of
BCP_ROM_Scan_Size (or to E000h by
default) on every 2K boundry, looking for
add on cards that need initialization.
99h Check support status for Self-Monitoring
Analysis Reporting Technology (disk-failure
9Ah Shadow miscellaneous ROMs if specified by
Setup and CMOS is valid and the previous
boot was OK.
Beep Code Description