14628 Central Blvd,
Chino, CA91710
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2011 Acnodes, Inc.
All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at www.acnodes.com.
PCH 5120
12.1” industrial Panel PC
IP67 rated fully enclosure
ƒ Suspend Mode [S1(POS)]
Use the Suspend Mode option to specify the sleep state the system enters when it is
not being used.
S1 (POS) DEFAULT Power consumption is reduced, but all hardware and proces
sor context is retained.
S3 (STR) Power consumption is greatly reduced, all hardware and
processor context is lost. System memory is maintained. APM CONFIGURATION
The APM Configuration menu (BIOS Menu 10) allows the advanced power manage-
ment options to be configured.
Restore on AC Power Loss [Last State]
Use the Restore on AC Power Loss BIOS option to specify what state the system returns to if there is a
sudden loss of power to the system.
Power Off The system remains turned off
Power On DEFAULT The system turns on
Last State The system returns to its previous state. If it was on, it turns itself on. If it was off, it remains
ƒ Power Button Mode [On/Off]
Use the Power Button Mode BIOS to specify how the power button functions.
On/Off DEFAULT When the power button is pressed the system is either turned on or off