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RMC 7130
1U Rackmount System
7-4 Security Settings
The AMI BIOS provides a Supervisor and a User password. If you use both pass- words, the Supervi-
sor password must be set first.
Supervisor Password
This item indicates if a supervisor password has been entered for the system. Clear means such a
password has not been used and Set means a supervisor password has been entered for the system.
User Password:
This item indicates if a user password has been entered for the system. Clear means such a pass-
word has not been used and Set means a user password has been entered for the system.
Change Supervisor Password
Select this feature and press <Enter> to access the submenu, and then type in a new Supervisor
User Access Level (Available when Supervisor Password is set as above)
Available options are Full Access: grants full User read and write access to the Setup Utility, View
Only: allows access to the Setup Utility but the fields cannot be changed, Limited: allows only limited
fields to be changed such as Date and Time, No Access: prevents User access to the Setup Utility.