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Walnut, CA 91789
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RMC 7189
1U Rackmount System
LAN Enable/Disable
Change the setting of jumper JPL1 and JPL2 to
enable or disable the LAN1 and LAN2 Ethernets
ports, re- spectively. See the table on the right for
jumper settings. The default setting is enabled.
Watch Dog Enable/Disable
JWD controls the Watch Dog function. Watch Dog
is a system monitor that can reboot the system
when a software application hangs. Jumping pins
1-2 will cause WD to reset the system if an applica-
tion hangs. Jumping pins 2-3 will generate a non-
maskable interrupt signal for the application that
hangs. See the table on the right for jumper set-
tings. Watch Dog must also be en- abled in BIOS.
Note: When enabled, the user needs to write their
own application software in order to disable the
Watch Dog Timer.
VGA Enable/Disable
JPG1 allows you to enable or disable the VGA port.
The default position is on pins 1 and 2 to enable
VGA. See the table on the right for jumper settings.
SMB to PCI Express Slots
Jumpers JI2C1 and JI2C2 allow you to connect the
System Management Bus (I2C) to the PCI Ex-
press slots. The default setting is Open to disable
the connection. See the table on the right for jumper