Activities 19
Act v t es
Finish up the activity.
If the activity worked with your remote, you’re just a step from the nish. If the activity did not work as you thought
it should, you can use the EZ-RC™ Remote Control Setup Wizard to make adjustments or troubleshoot.
Select Yes if the activity worked.
Select Make adjustments if you know what needs to be changed (for
example, if you noticed one of your devices didn’t turn on).
Select Troubleshoot if you’re not sure what needs to be changed.
Select Save the activity and modify later if the activity didn’t work as
you wanted it to, but you would rather come back to it and troubleshoot
or modify later.
Select Next when you’ve made your selection.
The nal screen conrms that you’ve set up your rst activity, Hello.
Click Yes to set up the next activity, “Good Night.”
If you add devices later...
Don’t forget to come back to your “Hello” activity and add their power commands as well
to turn them on!
Need help setting up this remote?
Please call our help line toll-free at 1-800-276-0509.