F. Display: Backlit, Blue Background, 2 lines with 20 characters on each line.
G. Keypad: Full travel keys with elastomeric contact pad, 4 rows x 4 columns.
H. Serial Port: RS-232 using 6 position (4 contact) RJ-11 modular connection.
I. Serial Port: RS-485 (Local Area Network) using RJ-11 modular connection.
J. Parallel port: 25-pin DB connection.
K. Internal 56K Modem, licensed for use over public telephone lines.
L. Internal Multi-Frequency Piezo Electric Buzzer.
M. Internal Barcode Reader: Visible or Infrared Barcode reading through the slot.
N. Control lines: Two pins of the 6-pin circular DIN connector can be used with
external relay box to control devices such as door locks and bells.
O. External Barcode port: 6-pin DIN connection for external Barcode Wand or
Barcode Gun.
P. Power: Wall mount transformer, 9 Volts AC 1 amp standard or 3 amp for units
with FIU, Modem or Wireless communications.
Q. Fingerprint: CCD Technology.
R. Proximity: 125kHz RFID Proximity Reader or HID Proximity Reader.
S. Ethernet: 10/100 baseT Ethernet Interface.
T. Wireless 10 baseT 802.11b wireless communications.
U. Flash program storage.
V. State of the Art FRAM Data Storage.