5-10 Programming Ramp/Soak
The controller has a 16-segment, front-face programmable Ramp/Soak feature. Unused
alarms can be programmed as a segment.
Do not attempt to auto-tune the controller during a ramp/soak program. The
Tune button will not function during this process.
Instead of requiring the operator to calculate an approach rate, the controller does the
calculation automatically. The operator needs to program the target setpoint and the time
desired to reach that setpoint. When the controller executes the ramp segment, it calculate
ramp required to reach the process temperature from starting setpoint to the programmed
setpoint in the time allowed. (See Figure 2 for sample ramp/soak program.)
Dwells (or soaks) are ramp segments with target setpoint equal to starting process
temperature. This allows for multistage ramps without wasting intermediate soak steps.
Before programming Ramp/Soak, evaluate your program on paper.
Test any program for best results before running production material.
Make sure to run auto-tune before operating Ramp/soak because
Ramp functions will interfere with the operation of the auto-tune