
Infrared Modem User’s Manual
Page 18 of 41
Revision 1.0
2003/11 From 3JTech
For Connecting PSION using IrDA Port
This section uses PSION 618C as an example.
This installation guide is intended to help PSION users install the PP2I modem.
After following the procedures in this manual, the installation of the PP2I modem
should be complete and functional.
1. Connect the power and telephone line to your PP2I modem.
2. Turn on your PP2I modem.
3. On your PSION, go to System
Control Panel
Modem and setup your
modem. The screen below should show:
Select Generic modem settings and click OK.
4. Then, as shown below:
Under Modem Options, enter the name of the modem: PSION IrDA Modem,
speed: 57,600 baud, connect via: IrDA, and under fax class, select Auto.
Then, under Modem Advanced as shown on the next page, enter Flow
control:”None”, Terminal detect (DSR/DTR): (un-checked), Carrier detect
(DCD): (un-checked), and Modem type: Fixed Line, and click OK.