KF format 5if type 2
This is the Karl-Fischer moisture meter format and is used when the peripheral equipment can only
communicate using this format.
This format consists of fourteen characters excluding the terminator.
This format has no header characters.
The polarity sign is placed before the data, with spaces in place of leading zeros, if the data is
not zero or overloaded.
This format outputs the unit only for a stable value.
MT format 5if type 3
A header of two characters indicates the balance condition.
The polarity sign is used only for negative data.
The weighing data uses spaces in place of the leading zeros.
The character length of this format changes dependent upon the unit
NU (numerical) format 5if type 4
This format outputs only numerical data.
This format consists of nine characters excluding the terminator.
The polarity sign is placed before the data with the leading zeros. If the data is zero, the plus
sign is used.
CSV format 5if type 5
Separates the data of A&D standard format and the unit by a comma ( , ).
Outputs the unit even when the data is overloaded.
When ID number, data number, time and date are added, outputs ID number, data number,
date, time and weighing data in this order and separates each item by a comma and treats all
the items as one group of data.