| P a g e © Adam Equipment Company 2011
NOTE: Weight must be more than 20 scale divisions for check weighing to
operate. Below 20 scale divisions the LED’s will not light and the
beeper will not be on.
The Check-weighing function can be set up during Weighing or Parts Counting
by entering values as Low or/and High Limits keyed in by the user. The limits are
displayed in kg (or Lb) or pcs respectively.
Checkweighing during Parts Counting
To disable the Check-Weighing function enter zero into both limits by
pressing the [Func/C] key when the current limits values are displayed during
the setting procedure, then pressing [Z/T] to store the zero values.
The values set for the check-weighing will remain in memory when the
weighing units or the function changes to parts counting but will not be active.
The will become active again when the weighing unit or parts counting that
was active at the time the limits were set is reactivated.