© Adam Equipment Company 2007
6.2.9 F9 -A/D COUNT
To enter this parameter, press the [Tare] key when “F9” is shown.
This parameter allows you to view the A/D counts from the internal A/D converter. This can
be an aid to service.
Press the [Tare] key to return to the PARAMETER menu.
Press the [Zero] key to return to weighing.
Ranges allotted at zero is 30,000-90,000 (approx.)
Ranges allotted at full capacity is 400,000 (approx.)
NOTE: To secure the scale after calibration, it is necessary to remove the jumper
placed at position K6 and re-seal the scale.
This parameter allows you to set the value to 1 or 5 for rounding off the least significant
digit of the Total Price. For example, if the value is set to 1, the Total Price will remain as
12.47 for the original value of 12.47 and if it is set to 5, the Total Price will be rounded off
to 12.45 instead of 12.47.
To enter this parameter, press the [Tare] key when “
F10” is shown.
The display will show the current settings.
Press the [PLU4] key to change the value and press [Tare] to accept the value.
Press [Tare] to return to the PARAMETER menu.
Press [Zero] to return to weighing.