Step 5: Customizing Adaptec Storage Manager ● 63
5 Click Connect.
Adaptec Storage Manager connects to the remote system and adds it
to the list of managed systems in the Enterprise View.
6 To manage the remote system, select it in the Enterprise View and
enter your user name and password if prompted.
To create logical drives on your remote systems, see Step 4: Building
Your Storage Space on page 47.
For more information about remote systems, see Managing Remote
Systems on page 132.
Creating Display Groups
You can organize related local and remote systems into display groups
to make managing your storage space easier and more effective.
Systems in a display group appear together in the Enterprise View under
the group name.
To create a display group:
1 In the Enterprise View, right-click on a system that you want to add
to a display group.
2 Select Change display group, then click New group.