Adaptec Ultra Wireless USB Adapter User’s Guide
Changing the Operating Mode
The Adaptec Wireless Utility offers two possible operating modes:
■ Ad-hoc mode (sometimes referred to as peer-to-peer mode)
allows two computers to connect to each other in wireless-to-
wireless (or peer-to-peer) communication.
■ Infrastructure mode allows multiple computers to interact, and
is for WLANs that include an AP or Router.
To change the operating mode of your Wireless USB Adapter:
1 Open the Adaptec Wireless Utility. See Step 1 on page 28.
2 Click the Configuration tab.
3 In the Operating Mode drop-down box, select your chosen
operating mode, as shown above.
4 Click Apply Changes.
5 Click OK to close the Adaptec Wireless Utility, or see Connecting
to the WLAN on page 27 for additional information.