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I/O Operating Environment
AMM-1570/1572 User’s Guide
Stock Number: 510526-00, Rev. B Page: B-3
Print Spec Number: 492379-00
Current Date: 3/7/94 ECN Date: 3/8/94
Host Adapter Support
You may not need to install additional environment software in
order to use your host adapter. Adaptec is working with major
operating system suppliers to provide embedded support in their
operating systems. Please contact Adaptec or your operating system
vendor for information on the current schedule for I/O Operating
Environment Software support.
Note: Until embedded support is provided for your par-
ticular operating system, host adapter drivers for the
AMM-1570/1572 may be available from Adaptec. To
order Adaptec software, call the number for ordering
Adaptec software listed in Ordering Software and Cables
on page iii.
Under MS-DOS 5.0 or higher, up to seven SCSI hard disk drives can
be connected to the AMM-1570/1572 without additional software.
Older versions of DOS support up to two hard disk drives. Addi-
tional software (e.g., Adaptec EZ-SCSI) is required if you want to
■ Support more than two fixed disk drives under versions of
DOS prior to MS-DOS 5.0
■ Support more than eight fixed disk drives (seven per host
adapter) under MS-DOS 5.0 or higher
■ Remove or switch removable media (for example, Bernoulli
cartridges) while your computer is running
■ Support CD-ROM drives
■ Support devices other than disk drives–for example: SCSI tape
drives, scanners, plotters, or WORM drives