ANA-5910/5930/5940 User’s Guide
ANA-5910/5930/5940 User’s Guide
Stock Number: 510694-00, Rev. C Page: B-14
Print Spec Number: 493081-00
Current Date: 5/28/97 ECN Date: 05/29/97
Database File Parameters
The following table lists the parameters and values in the
, and
database files. Not every parameter is used in
each of these database files.
Parameter Description Possible Values
aaltype AAL type 1 (non-AAL 5); 2 (AAL 5)
addrregmaxretry address registration
maximum retry
0 - 255
addrregtimeout address registration retry
delay time
5 - 255
ATM address selector 0
appid application ID name ASCII string
arp_srv_atm_addr ATMARP server address in
20 bytes separated by
atm_selector ATM selector in hex on
which CIP listens
0 - 255
best best effort 0 or 1
corrupt receive corrupt data 0 (discard); 1 (accept)
encap encapsulation llc; null
ibmoamstart use IBM 25.6 Mbit/sec
0 (disable); 1 (enable)
inactivity_time inactivity timer 0 - 300
ip_address IP address in decimal 4 bytes separated by dots
ip_netmask IP netmask in decimal 4 bytes separated by dots
lmaddrregtimeout address registration timeout 5
netprefix acceptable network prefix 0
max_mtu maximum MTU for Classical
64 - 65496
nmipaddr Network Management
Station’s (ILMI) IP address in
4 bytes separated by dots
pcr peak cell rate 0 - 100% in base.db
1 - 353208 in aarp.db
portindex port index for the PVC 0
port_index ATM adapter index 0
ptimode OAM mode 1 (discard OAM); 2
(enable OAM)
qos quality of service 0; 3; 4