Getting Started
Duralink64 Port Aggregation
Duralink64 Port Aggregation is a software package that provides
network path redundancy and increased bandwidth for Fast
Ethernet servers running mission-critical applications. Duralink64
Port Aggregation works by load balancing the throughput over
multiple ports.
With Duralink64 Port Aggregation, you can create a virtual port by
grouping multiple ports together. This grouping distributes the
network load by sharing the resources of all ports in a group. In the
Port Aggregation group, one port becomes the “primary” port and
its MAC address is given to the protocol. Thus, the group behaves as
a single interface, allowing the software to manage the combined
resources of the group efficiently. In the event of a port failure, the
remaining ports carry the load and keep the network running and
Duralink64 Port Aggregation supports Windows NT 4.0 and 3.51,
and Novell NetWare 4.x and 5.0 -based servers.
Duralink64 Port Aggregation is compatible with Adaptec
and ANA-62011/
single-port NICs, ANA-62022
dual-port NICs, and ANA-62044 quad-port NICs.