DuraLAN Fast Ethernet NICs User’s Guide
Creating Fast EtherChannel Groups
Fast EtherChannel (FEC) allows you to fully aggregate two or four
ports over transmit and receive under all protocols. The ports that
are configured as the FEC group must be physically connected to the
FEC ports on the Cisco switch. See your Cisco switch documentation
to configure the ports in FEC mode.
If you select Fast EtherChannel on the server, the connection type for
each port is automatically configured to 100 Mbps TX/Full Duplex.
You must also configure the ports on the Cisco switch (used by the
FEC group) to either Auto Negotiation or 100 Mbps/Full Duplex
This section explains how to assign ports to a Fast EtherChannel
group, thus, creating a virtual port. If you have installed Duralink64
Port Aggregation/FEC already and wish to add or modify existing
group or stand-alone port configurations, see Modifying Groups on
page 8-13.
In the Group(s) field, click Create New Group, and then type
the new group name.
Figure 8-6. Duralink64 Port Aggregation Configuration Tab