PCI Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Adapters
PCI Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Adapters User’s Guide
Stock Number: 511472-00, Rev. A Page: 4-28
Print Spec Number: 496708-00
Current Date: 5/5/97 ECN Date: 5/97
UNIX Drivers
The Adaptec adapters support the following UNIX products (sup-
port for some UNIX versions not available on every adapter):
SCO UNIX System 3.2 v4.2
SCO Open Desktop 3.0/5.0
SCO OpenServer 5.0 (ANA-6911A/TX, ANA-6901, and
ANA-6944A/TX only)
SCO Unixware SMP (ANA-6911A/TX, ANA-6901, and
ANA-6944A/TX only)
Sun Solaris 2.4/2.5
NextStep 3.2/3.3
The list of supported UNIX systems is updated periodically; contact
Adaptec if your type of UNIX is not listed here. The UNIX drivers
and installation instructions are available from Adaptec’s BBS, Com-
puServe Forum, World Wide Web, and FTP sites.
The Sun Solaris and NextStep drivers are available at the World
Wide Web sites of the respective operating system vendors. See the
appropriate \readme.txt file for your UNIX operating system.
SCO OpenServer 5.0
The ANA-6944A/TX, ANA-6901A, and the ANA-6911A/TX UNIX
drivers support SCO OpenServer 5.0.
Installing the SCO OpenServer Driver
Insert the Unix Drivers diskette into the first floppy drive
(usually A).
Make a directory for the driver, as follows:
mkdir adaptec
Change to the directory you just created, as follows:
chdir adaptec
Copy the files from the floppy diskette to the hard disk, as
doscp a:\sco5_0\*.*.