Appendix D: Using the Array Configuration Utility for DOS ● 92
Method Keyword
Method is an optional keyword, indicating which method to use when creating a redundant
(RAID 1, 5, and 10) array. Possible values:
● Build (the default)—Perform a Build/Verify process on the array. Takes longer than Clear,
but allows you to begin using the array immediately.
● Clear—Clear the array. Faster than a Build/Verify process, but you have to wait for the
operation to be completed before you can begin using the array.
● Quick Init—Makes the array available immediately, but does not accomplish a Build/
Verify. Parity and mirror information is created as data is written to the disk drive (called
full-stripe write mode), which reduces overall array performance. Maximum performance
is achieved by starting and completing a Build/Verify.
For example:
ReadCache Keyword
ReadCache indicates whether the array uses read caching.
Possible values:
● Yes (default)—Enable read caching.
● No—Disable read caching.
For example:
Size Keyword
The Size keyword specifies the size of the array. Specify Maximum (the default) to create an
array using the maximum available space, based on the array type and drives selected.
Otherwise, specify the size as an integer or a decimal number, followed by the unit
keyword MB (megabytes), GB (gigabytes), or TB (terabytes).
A unit keyword is required with a numeric size value. If no unit keyword is specified, the
ACU exits with an error.
For example:
StripeSize Keyword
The StripeSize keyword specifies the stripe size (in MB) written to each member of a striped
array (RAID 0, 5, or 10).
The possible values for StripeSize are 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024 KB. Default is 256.
For example: