58 Megabit Modem 310F and 320F User Manual
Line code Any method of converting digital information to analog form for transmission on a
communication line.
Link Another term used for transmission line.
MAC Media Access Control. Associated with Layer 2 or the Data Link Layer of the ISO 7-layer
protocol model.
Margin An ADSL parameter, measured in dB. It indicates the excess SNR, relative to the performance
of 10
BER, at the receiver point.
Mbps Megabits per second. 1,000,000 bits per second.
MDI Media Dependent Interface.
MDI-X Media Dependent Interface (cross-over).
NVRAM Non-volatile RAM.
Port An I/O interface. A point at which signals may be introduced or extracted in a similar manner.
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service.
RAM Random Access Memory.
RFC Request for Comment.
SNR Signal-to-Noise ratio.
Telecommuter A person who performs work at home while linked to the office by means of a
telecommunications-equipped computer system.
Upstream The direction of data transmission from the Megabit Modem 320F to the Megabit
Modem 310F.
WAN Wide Area Network. In this manual, refers to the ADSL link.