ADCP-96-015 • Issue 1 • July 2004
Page 15
© 2004, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
The Pad Mount Frame (PMF), shown in Figure 7, is a stainless steel frame that provides a
mounting base for the cabinet when installed in a concrete pad foundation.
Figure 7. Pad Mount Frame Dimensions
4.1 Installation Recommendations
The site chosen for the installation must conform to all local codes and any permits required
must be obtained prior to the start of installation. The location must be accessible and provide
adequate parking for worker and vehicle safety. Situate the concrete pad along the trench that
was used for routing the OSP fiber cables for the system.
The installed cabinet must not create a visual or physical obstruction to vehicular or pedestrian
traffic. Ensure that there is sufficient space on all sides to facilitate cabinet installation.
Depending on the landscaping requirements, the top surface of the concrete pad may be located
from 0 to 3 inches (7.6 cm) above the surrounding grade.
4.2 Cable Conduit Installation
Install the cable conduit from below as shown in Figure 8 and position it so that the top of each
upward bend will be located within the PMF opening at the indicated point. When installed, the
top of the conduit should be located 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to 5.08 cm) below the top of the finished
concrete pad. Install the conduit before pouring the pad.
4.3 Base Installation
Prepare a base for the concrete pad that meets all local code requirements. The base must have a
footing of 4 to 6 inches (10.2 to 15.2 cm) of sand or gravel (per local practice) on firmly
compacted soil. Refer to the construction diagram (see Figure 8) for details.
Caution: Mounting the cabinet directly on a concrete pad may cause chemical corrosive action
to the cabinet. Use only the Pad Mount Frame (PMF) as a mounting base for the cabinet. Do
not use caulking compounds as a sealer between the cabinet and the PMF.
25.8 IN.
(65.5 CM)
16.4 IN.
(41.7 CM)
5.5 IN.
(14.0 CM)