LTPH-UM-1088-02, Issue 2 Installation
ThinMux Chassis January 3, 2002 11
After mounting the chassis to the CO rack, select the appropriate interface for
cable installation. (For information regarding multiplexer configuration and
operation, refer to the specific multiplexer user manual.)
The ThinMux chassis DC power supply feeds must be
connected to either (1) -48 Vdc Safety Extra Low Voltage
(SELV) sources or (2) -48 Vdc sources that are electrically
isolated from the AC sector and reliably connected to earth.
The source’s fault current capacity shall be lower than 50A,
or an appropriate overcurrent protection, rated 5A, must be
provided on each -48 Vdc conductor. The overcurrent
protection can also be used as a cutoff switch if another
disconnect device is not installed.
The ThinMux chassis is configured for redundant power.
The A and B battery sources are independently connected
to each multiplexer. In the event of a loss of power from
one of the sources, an alarm is reported by the active
multiplexer. Power is continually supplied to both slots in
the chassis.
Wheninstalling components, wear an antistatic wrist strap.
Avoid touching components on the circuit board.