2) Auxiliary Contact Block
The Auxiliary Contact Block is mounted on the side of the overload. Its' function is to sense an over-
load trip, thereby triggering a safety fault which will disable the drying cycle. A "DOOR" message
will appear on the L.E.D. (light emitting diode) display on the Phase 5 microprocessor controller
(a) Auxiliary Contact Block Replacement
(1) Discontinue electrical power to the dryer.
(2) Remove the Thermal Magnetic Starter (TMS) from the din rail by pulling the tab on the
bottom of the contact block and lifting upward.
(3) Remove the two (2) wires going to the auxiliary contact block and label for correct reinstallation.
(4) There are two (2) types of auxiliary contact blocks... one with a screw and the other with a
clip ...
To remove the style with the screw from the thermal magnetic starter simply remove the
To remove the style with a clip simply push in the clip and remove.
(5) To install new auxiliary contact block, reverse above procedure.
3) Varistor (MOV)
The Varistor - MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) is used to suppress any inductive electrical spikes produced
by the energizing and collapsing of the coil voltage.
(a) Varistor (MOV) Replacement
(1) Discontinue electrical service to the dryer.
(2) Loosen the screws marked A1 and A2 on the contactor.
(3) Remove the varistor.
(4) Verify that no additional wires were inadvertently removed.
(5) Reverse procedure to install new varistor.