There are two (2) types of devices commonly used to measure water column pressure. They are spring/
mechanical type gauges and manometers. The spring/mechanical type gauge is not recommended because it is
easily damaged and not always accurate. One (1) form of a manometer is a hydro-gauge, which simply consists
of an inner and outer tube. When this tube is filled with water and pressure is applied, the water in the inner tube
decreases giving you your gas pressure reading.
NOTE: Manometers are available from the factory by ordering part number 122804.
1. Test gas water column pressure.
a. Connect water column test gauge connection to gas valve pressure tap (1/8” N.P.T.). This pressure tap
is located on the outlet (downstream) side of the valves.
b. Start the dryer. With burner on, the correct water column reading in inches would be:
Natural Gas: .............................3.5 Inches (8.7 mb) W.C.
Liquid Propane (L.P.) Gas: ......10.5 Inches (26.1 mb) W.C.
2. To adjust water column pressure (natural gas only, L.P. gas must be regulated at source):
a. Remove the slotted vent cap on the top of the valve.
b. Turn the slotted adjustment screw, located on the top of the valve next to the terminals. Turn clockwise
(CW) to increase manifold pressure and counterclockwise (CCW) to decrease.
NOTE: If correct water column (W.C.) pressure cannot be achieved, problems may be due to an
undersized gas supply line, a faulty or underrated gas meter, etc.