ADCP-50-304 • Issue 19 • June 1999 • Section 7: Operation
Page 7-7
© 1999, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Non-digit and non-blank characters are recognized by the CM software as parameter separators.
Therefore, two such consecutive characters (non-digit and nonblank) are recognized as a null
parameter. Each null parameter is replaced with a default value assigned by the CM software. If
the null parameter does not have a legal default value assigned to it, the CM issues an error
message to the remote control device.
6.9 Command Flags
Two flags are used to inform the CM when to execute an incoming command. The two
command flags are:
1. Execute Flag
2. Echo Flag
Execute Flag
. Any valid command string containing a pound sign (#) character causes the CM
to execute the command immediately. The “#” character may be located anywhere within the
command string and may appear as a parameter separator.
Echo Flag.
Any command character string containing the dollar sign ($) character causes the
CM to re-transmit the command string to the remote control device. This permits the operator to
review and verify the parameter selections previously entered and transmitted to the selected PS
chassis. If the parameters are valid, but incorrectly entered, the operator should re-enter the
command string.
When a command string contains “$” characters, the CM software saves the command. The
command remains stored in the CM until a GO command is recognized. When a GO command
is recognized, the software attempts to execute the command string received (currently stored)
just prior to GO command. If the command is invalid, an error message is returned to the
sending device. If the character string is a valid command, the actions defined by the command
are executed. After the command is executed, the command is erased by the system software.
Any subsequent GO commands are ignored by the CM until the next command string is
received. The “$” character may be located anywhere within the command string and may
appear as a parameter separator.
6.10 Command Interpretation
All valid commands must appear as the first characters in the string. Characters appearing after
the command (as well as any parameters) do not affect the CM command interpretation. For
example, the system would correctly interpret the GO command from the following character
These flags DO NOT apply to select/ de-select PS chassis commands (TLK, CRT,
SPK, SC, UNT) and the GO command. Command flags are applicable to the commands
(AB, IN, UP, REV, AL) issued to request switching, status or reset (clear alarms).