ADCP-80-570 • Issue 2 • March 2006
Page 24
© 2006, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
This section describes how to test the circuit breaker panel after installation.
5.1 Testing Power Indicators and Connection Polarity
Use the following procedure to check that the power input wires are connected for correct
1. Verify that the input power cables are connected to the correct terminals.
2. Verify that the circuit breakers for all circuits are on.
3. Using a multimeter set to measure DC voltage, measure the voltage between each input
power (RTN) terminal and chassis ground. The voltage level should be less than 2.0 Vdc.
4. If the voltage is much higher, and reads out in the –30 to –60 Vdc range, the input leads are
probably reversed. If this appears to be true, power down the panel. Disconnect the
negative (BATT) and positive (RTN) input lugs and switch them around. Power up the
panel and check again to verify that the higher voltage is on the negative (BATT) lug.
5. If the problem is such that you can’t figure it out with these instructions, consult with ADC
Technical Assistance Center (TAC).
5.2 Testing Alarm Contacts Normal State
Use the following procedure to test the alarm connections for correct functioning of NO and NC
1. Verify that the alarm contacts remain in the normal state when power is applied and all
circuit breakers in the “on” position.
2. Using a multimeter that is set to test for continuity, connect the probes alternately between
the C and NC terminals and the C and NO terminals for all sets of alarm terminals.
3. Verify that continuity exists between the C and NC terminals and that no continuity exists
between the C and NO terminals.