Megabit Modem CRA-C User Manual 75
Mbps Megabits per second. 1,000,000 bits per second.
MDI Media Dependent Interface.
MDI-X Media Dependent Interface (cross-over).
MIB Management Information Base.
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory.
Port An I/O interface. A point at which signals may be
introduced or extracted in a similar manner.
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service.
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol.
RAM Random Access Memory.
Repeater Connects to line segments to amplify and reshape
the analog waveform to extend network segment
RFC Request for Comment.
Router Device that decides whether to forward a packet
by looking at the protocol level address.
Service Provider Organization providing and maintaining network
services for subscribers.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. A network
management standard initially established to allow
multi-vendor networking devices to be managed
more easily with common management tools.
SNR Signal-to-Noise ratio.
Spanning Tree An algorithm used to open bridging loops.
Telecommuter A person who performs work at home while linked
to the office by means of a telecommunications-
equipped computer system.
Upstream The direction of data transmission from the Megabit
Modem CRA-C to a remote unit.
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair.