ADCP-90-328 • Issue 2 • November 2005
Page 7
© 2005, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
The front side of the 72 position termination and splice panel is identical to the termination only
panel shown in Figure 1. In general, the termination components of any FPL termination and
splice panel are identical to the termination components of the panel’s termination and splice
panel counterpart. Only the splice components are different.
Figure 6 on the preceding page shows the typical components unique to the splice function of a
termination and splice panel. They are as follows (from left to right in the figure):
• Splice Area—is a protected chamber within the chassis intended for splice trays. In
termination only panels, this area can be used for cable storage.
• Internal Pigtail—is a factory-installed fiber optic cable with a connector at one end and a
bare fiber on the other end. The connector end of the pigtail is terminated on the rear side
of the termination bulkhead. The bare end of the pigtail is available for splicing to a bare
fiber at the customer site. The cable from which the bare fibers are broken out for splicing
may be either Outside Plant (OSP) or Intra Facility Cable (IFC).
• Splice Tray—is a tray installed in the splice area. Each tray holds one or more splice chips
of a selected type.
• Removable Rear Access Door—provides access to the splice area.
• Optional Lock Mount—provides ability to lock rear access door.
Figure 7 shows the 144 position high density termination and splice panel. Additional features
called out here are the split termination bulkhead, which provides the room required for the
greater number of adapters, and the splice area access door, which opens into a locked
horizontal position to serve as a splice deck.
Figure 7. 144 Position High Density Termination and Splice Panel