Installation 152-388-100-02, Issue 2
8 June 6, 2000 H2TU-C-388 List 1
Once the H2TU-C-388 List 1 is installed, verify that it is operating properly. To do this, monitor the following:
• Status LED
• Status messages reported by the front-panel display (see Table 2 on page 5)
Verification without a Downstream Device
If there is no downstream device installed:
1 Verify that the H2TU-C powers up. The front-panel display illuminates and reports status messages. (See
Table 2 on page 5 for a list of messages.)
2 Verify that the H2TU-C attempts to communicate with downstream devices (status LED flashes red). Even
if a downstream device is not present, the following events should occur:
a The front-panel display reports various four-character status messages.
b The H2TU-C again attempts communication with downstream devices until a downstream device is
Verification with a Downstream Device
If a downstream device has been installed:
1 Verify that the H2TU-C powers up. (The front-panel display illuminates and reports various status messages.)
2 Verify that the H2TU-C attempts to communicate with downstream devices (status LED flashes red). One of
the following occurs:
• If downstream devices are successfully identified and the HDSL2 loop synchronizes, the H2TU-C status
LED lights steady green. The H2TU-C reports normal margin messages on the front-panel display.
• If downstream devices are not successfully identified, the H2TU-C reports four-character status
messages. The H2TU-C attempts communication again and reports four-character status messages. The
H2TU-C repeats this cycle until a downstream device is detected.
3 Verify that the remote unit synchronizes normally. The H2TU-C status LED should light a steady green, and
the front-panel display should report normal margin messages.
4 Verify that a valid DS1 signal has been applied to the H2TU-C and the H2TU-R.
• If no DS1 signal is being applied to either the H2TU-C or the H2TU-R inputs, then the appropriate DS1
alarms (LLOS or RLOS) are observed on the front-panel display, and the status LED flashes red.
• If a valid DS1 signal is being supplied to the H2TU-C and H2TU-R, then DS1 alarm indications should
be absent and the status LED should be a steady green.