2 Welcome Unpacking the ICX-250
ADCP-62-023 Issue 1, September 1998
© 1998, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Unpacking the ICX-250
This product is shipped as a complete package. Be very careful when
unpacking the carton. Check to see if all items are included in the box by
checking against the list shown below (Kit of Parts). In the event any items
are missing, contact your distributor for further instructions.
Opening Up the Carton
Keep all the packaging materials for future use in case the unit has to be
returned for maintenance and/or replacement.
Kit of Parts
• 2 Mounting brackets
• A 3-Conductor DC power plug
• A 2-Conductor alarm closure plug
• 6 6 x 5/16” self-tapping screws
• 4 12/24 x 1/2” screws
• 1 AC power cord
ICX-250 User Manual (this book)
ICX-250 User Manual
contains common tasks: configuration, installation,
maintenance, and testing of the unit
Hardware and Cabling
The ICX-250 unit comes packaged with an AC power cord to provide power
to the unit. It is also shipped with two angle brackets and screws to rack mount
your ICX-250
(this is explained further in Chapter 2 of this manual)
Who to Call for Help
Contact ADC Telecommunications if any items are missing or you want to order another ICX-250
unit. For technical support for your
ICX-250 unit call the BBG Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-
366-3891, extension 3223 (in U.S.A. or Canada) or 612-946-3223 (outside U.S.A. and Canada)