ADCP-80-575 • Issue 2 • December 2006
Page 26
© 2006, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
4.8 Installing GMT Fuse Designation Pins
Color-coded fuse designation pins (accessory item) are available for GMT fuses. The pin color
corresponds to the color of the fuse indicator. Insert the appropriate color-coded pins (accessory
item) into the corresponding holes in each GMT fuse holder as required.
4.9 Installing Fuse Designation Card Holder and Card
Attach the fuse designation card holder to the fuse platform, to one of the fuse platform mount-
ing brackets, or to a part of the rack. Remove the backing from the back of the card holder and
press the card holder against the mounting surface. Fill out one of the cards with the required
circuit information insert it in the card holder.
4.10 Installing Voltage Designation Label
Write the voltage used in the fuse platform on the voltage designation label and attach the label
to the back of the fuse platform.
Perform the following procedures to check out the platform after completing installation.
5.1 Wiring Connections Torque Measurements
Measure the torque of all input, output, chassis ground and fuse alarm relay contact connections
included in the non-powered testing paragraphs above using a torque screwdriver that is
calibrated in pound force-inches (Newton-meters). The torque specifications are printed on the
rear of the panel adjacent to the connector.
5.2 Power On and Connection Polarity Test
Use the following procedure to apply power to the fuse platform and verify that the power input
wires are connected correctly:
1. Verify that the input power cables are connected to the correct terminals.
2. Verify that the circuit breakers for all circuits are on.
3. Apply power to the unit.
4. Verify that the power-on indicator (green LED) for each power bus in lit. (The fuse
platform being installed may have either one or two power buses.)
5. Verify that no fuse alarm LEDs on the front of the fuse platform are red or green.
Note: This procedure assumes that no fuses have been installed yet.