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Spec Sheet
WMX 300/305
WiMAX Subscriber Unit
ADC's FlexWave
WMX 300 subscriber unit allows service providers to effectively serve the most
demanding segment of the WiMAX user base: large businesses and enterprises. It delivers the entire
range of functions required to suite virtually any business environment while supporting high speed
service to hundreds of simultaneously connected users.
With the FlexWave WMX 300 performance meets intelligence—a single system can support
hundreds of connected users of business and consumer applications: voice, web browsing, file
downloads, streaming video, and other multi-megabit data services simultaneously managed over
the wireless link.
The FlexWave WMX 300 supports the OFDM 256 FFT PHY and operates in licensed and licensed
exempted WiMAX bands: 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz, and 5 GHz bands globally. FlexWave WMX 300 is
compliant with the 802.16d-2004 standard and offers software upgradeability to the 802.16e-2005
amended standard in some models (WMX 305).
• IEEE802.16d-2004compliant
• Softwareupgradeableto802.16e-2005(somemodels)
• Enterprisegradeperformanceandscale
• ServiceLevelAgreement(SLA)Enforcement
• LOS,OLOS,NLOSdeployments