Chapter 3: Provisioning September 25, 2006
3-24 LTPE-UM-3159-02
The Upload menu provides the mechanism to upload image files to local or remote line units or EMUs.
Upload to a Local or Remote Line Unit
To upad to a local or remote line unit:
Step Action
1 If viewing the Main menu screen (Figure 3-3 on page 3-5), press ESC and type Q to return to the Network
screen (Figure 3-2 on page 3-4).
In the Network screen, use the
Ç and È arrow keys to select the local shelf or a remote shelf.
3 Type the letter U. The Upload menu is displayed (Figure 3-19 on page 3-25).
4 From the Upload menu, select Upload Line Unit. The Upload to Line Unit dialog box is displayed (Figure
3-20 on page 3-25).
5 In the Enter Line Unit: field, type the slot number of the line unit to be uploaded.
Use the
Ç and È arrow keys to select the Line Unit Type field, press the SPACEBAR to select the line
unit type. The available line unit types are listed in Table 3-8 on page 3-25.
7 When you are ready to upload to the line unit, press ENTER. The Xmodem transfer message is displayed
(Figure 3-21 on page 3-26).
8 Go to the new firmware file (for example, sys.img).
9 From the Terminal utility Settings menu, select Binary Transfers, then select XMODEM.
10 From the Terminal utility Transfers menu, select Send Binary File (do not select Send Text File).
11 Enter the file path and name, then click OK to begin the upload to the local or remote line unit:
If uploading to a line unit on a remote shelf, the TAO Multishelf message is displayed, followed by the
Remote line unit uploading message.
If uploading to a line unit on a local shelf, the Local line unit uploading message is displayed (Figure 3-22
on page 3-26).
Do not abort the download procedure when an XModem transfer is in progress.
Note: The shelf with the ">" symbol (for example, >Shelf #28) is the local shelf connected to the
management station PC. Other shelves (without the > symbol) are remote shelves connected to
the local shelf through Ethernet.