20 © December 2004, ADIC
The following documents are currently available for the AMASS:
All 36713 Make changes to AMASS/XDI and the ssi daemon to support
Database error -6 hangs the system.
AIX 34556 AMASS prompt bus failure on AIX install.
36118 test_install failure on AIX 5.2.
DEC 5909 The killdaemons -F command panics on DEC.
IRIX 25127 AMASS 5.3.3 causes panic on IRIX 6.5.22m.
30540 AMASS is not able to coexist with IRIX tape support.
30639 Tape tried to mount twice without a dismount in between.
Document Number Document Title
6-00323-01 InfiniteFileLife (IFL)
NOTE: This book is not included in the product packaging and is not
available in print. However, it is included as a PDF file on the CD-ROM and
can be printed from Acrobat Reader or it can be ordered from ADIC. IFL is
6-00024-01 Quick Reference Guide
6-00025-01 Accessing Storage Devices
6-00026-01 AMASS Overview
6-00027-01 Installing AMASS
6-00028-01 Managing the AMASS File System
6-00029-01 Errors and Corrective Action
NOTE: This book is not included in the product packaging. However, it is
included as a PDF file on the CD-ROM and can be printed from Acrobat
Reader or it can be ordered from ADIC.
6-00030-01 Application Program Interface (API) Guide
NOTE: The API Guide is sold separately.
6-00032-01 CD Booklet