AMASS Overview
6-00026-01 Rev A Glossary GL-7
Represents the directory structure and
attributes about media. Attributes
•Media ID
• Media type
• Media location
• Ownership
• Timestamp
The metadata for the AMASS file system
resides in the AMASS database. See also
File System Database and inode.
The planned movement of data from one
library — and possibly from one type of
media — to another.
multi-tier migration
A storage policy that migrates files from
a client machine through DataMgr and
AMASS to a primary storage library. The
file is then migrated to a second and third
storage device after a specific time limit.
Network File System. Originally
developed by Sun Microsystems, it has
become the de facto standard for file
sharing between UNIX systems. NFS
was designed to be a distributed file
service that is operating
system-independent and machine-type-
independent. Consequently, any
computer system can supply files to
many different computer types. NFS uses
the Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
mechanism to perform tasks, read results,
and access remote files.
Network Information Service. Created
by Sun to make NFS easier to use. NIS
centralizes user and group name
databases for an entire domain. (A
domain consists of a master server, slave
servers, and clients.) NIS allows the
domain to be administered as if it were a
single system. NIS centralizes many of
the local network configuration
functions. NIS used to be called Yellow
Pages (YP).