Administrative Tasks
601354 Rev A Initial Configuration 3-29
During archive configuration, a different set of high and low
marks are entered. These marks are used to determine when to
start and stop media type migration. Refer to “High Mark” on
page 3-9 and “Low Mark” on page 3-8. Both sets of marks are
independent from each other.
Media Type
As described earlier (Refer to “Migrate” on page 3-7), media
are migrated to another archive once a media type fill level
reaches the media type high mark because of media entry. The
media type high mark is distinct from the media class high
Each medium selected for media type migration must conserve
its media class. Although media type migration causes media to
be migrated to another archive, each selected medium must also
remain in its present media class. Furthermore, a medium is not
migrated unless its media class migrate action mode is selected.
When these two preconditions exist, that medium can be
migrated via the media type migration process.
After media type migration starts, the number of media required
to reach the media type low mark is calculated. This value is
equal to the difference between the media type fill level
threshold minus the media type low mark threshold. The
amount of media of that media type present on the Eject list is
also subtracted from the media type fill level.
Next, the archive media class with the highest migration
priority is first selected for migration. Refer to “Migration
Priority and Archive” on page 3-31. If the selected archive
media class fill level is below its low mark threshold, the
archive media class with the next highest priority is selected.
VolServ software then places media from the source archive
media class on the archive eject list. The source archive
Console display EJECT button is then highlighted.