Diagnostics Menu 53
Error Counters *
Provides a chronological listing (beginning with the last error issued) of the errors encountered by the Scalar
Library system. These are library internal hardware/firmware errors. This register records each error name and
assigns it a sequential number. Below is a listing of Error Counter listings with an indication of what each refers
nnnnnnnn = Counter name
cccc = Counter value (0 - 65535)
* Not implemented at this time.
Event Counters *
Provides a listing of the various Scalar Library operations and how many times they have occurred. Below is a
listing of Event Counter listings with an indication of what each refers to:
nnnnnnnn = Counter name
cccc = Counter value (0 - 65535)
* Not implemented at this time.
Operation Log *
Provides a chronological logging (beginning with the latest) of up to 255 operations. These operations can be
SCSI commands, operator requested operations, errors, and status operations. This information can be vital for
trouble shooting problems. The following is a partial listing of some of the loggable operations. You may
encounter other operations not included here.
* Not implemented at this time.
NNN = Logged operation number (1-255). When log is full, new
operations are logged in as operation 255, scrolling the