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Reports and Queries
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call toll-free: 1-800-827-3822; in Europe, call toll-free: 00800-9999-3822;
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Command Options Description
fsfileinfo Reports the current location of
files, whether of disk, media or
not in the system.
filename Full path and filename of the
fsqueue View subsystem resource
[-f ] Reports all files in the queue or
specific files if request
identifiers or filenames are
[ -m ] Reports media movement for a
request identifier or all media in
the queue.
filename Path and filename of the file.
[ -r requestID ] Identifier of the request to be
fsmedlist Lists media in a data or storage
[ -c class ] Policy class for which the report
is to be generated.
[ -g ] Reports on blank media in the
general scratch pool.
[ -l ] Lists media in the long report
[ -k ] Lists all media marked for
check out.
[ -m ] Lists all media marked for
[ -b ] Lists unformatted blank media.
[ -f ] Lists formatted blank media.
[ -j ] Lists all media marked to
contain duplicate files.
[ -p ] Lists all write-protected media.
[ -q ] Lists media with mark error.
[ -a ] Lists all available media.
[ -n ] Lists all media unavailable to
SNMS software.
[ -u ] Lists all media marked as
unavailable but still located in
SNMS system.
[ -s ] Lists all suspect media.
[ -d ] Lists all media located in a
[ -h ] Lists all media located in its
home slot/bin.
[ -t ] Lists all media transitioning
between locations.
[ -z ] Lists all media exiting a storage
[ -o ] Lists all media checked out of
storage areas.
fsstate Reports the state of drive
components, storage
subsystem, and SNMS
[ componentalias ] Alias for drives and storage
[ -f ] Generates a report showing the
status of SNMS software.
Valid states are:
• Active
•Not Active
• Not Available
fsusedspace Reports the total amount of
stored, primary copy data in the
SNMS system (in GB).
Command Options Description