61200214L1-1 IQ Probe User Manual 13
Chapter 3. Operation
Chapter 3
The IQ Probe faceplate is shown in Figure 3-1. Descriptions of
each part of the front panel follow.
LCD Window
Displays menu items and messages in 2 lines by 16 characters.
Selects active menu items. To activate a menu item, scroll to it
using the arrow keys or press the number of the item. The
flashing cursor indicates the active parameter. Press Enter to
select the active menu item.
Up and Down Arrows
Up and down arrows scroll through and activate the menu items
of the current menu. The flashing cursor indicates the active
Pressing the Cancel key stops the current activity and returns to
the previous menu. Repeat until the desired menu level is
reached. When a submenu item is displayed, press Cancel to
exit the current display and return to the previous menu.