
voice grouped-trunk "NI2 PRI"
no description
trunk T03
accept $ cost 100
This causes all calls bound for the PRI to be accepted with weight cost of
100, this sits between the SIP and FXO values to attempt to force all calls to
go through IC first (but any sent from IC will go out this trunk because they
came in on the SIP one)
reject 976-XXXX
voice user 8001
connect fxs 0/1
first-name "test"
last-name "fxs"
password encrypted "2226c76989b7cc49da5ab592196a551b8c23"
no special-ring-cadences
coverage external 2222222
codec-group "7xx Options"
This is the setup for a user via the AdTran device (in this case an FXS user)
with associated options (this can also be done with an IP phone)
voice user 8002
connect fxs 0/2
first-name "Fax"
last-name "Machine"
password encrypted "2226c76989b7cc49da5ab592196a551b8c23"
no special-ring-cadences
t38 error-correction redundancy
codec-group "7xx Options"
voice ring-group 1234
This defines the survivability inbound calling direction
type linear
description backup for incoming calls if no IC server
num-rings 4
member 8001
login-member 8001
This is the user to which the inbound PRI calls should go in survivability
alias 6739
This is the incoming number (PRI number) that this section will look for in
survivability mode
ip sip
no ip sip registrar authenticate
This prevents the device from forcing authentication to be added to the