
61180403L1-5B Issue 2, December 2004 9
Table 7. FXS/DPO Tandem Options
Function Option Description
Conversion Mode Tandem Inactive
Loop Start
Ground Start
This option sets the conversion from E&M (2-state) signaling
on the PCM interface to loop start or ground start signaling on
the loop. This option MUST be configured for channel
operation, as the default value (Tandem Inactive) will not run
the state machine.
Supervision Immediate Start
Wink Start
This option configures the E7M trunk as immediate or wink
start for both the RX and TX direction. With wink start, a
wink is sent back to the network from the FXS/DPO card
before ringing to signal line seizure for inbound calls. For
outgoing calls, a wink must be received from the switch to the
FXS/DPO card to indicate trunk seizure for the call.
Tandem Battery Normal Battery
Reverse Battery
This option configures answer supervision for the associated
voice port. Answer supervision is indicated by reverse battery
polarity when Reverse Battery option is set. This is valid for
outbound calls only.
Dial Tone Generation Disabled
This option is used to generate a 5-second dial tone from the
associated FXS/DPO port when off-hook is detected. The dial
tone provided by the FXS/DPO times out after 5 seconds and
is not broken by digit input.
RingBack Tone
When this option is enabled, a ringback tone is provided
toward the Network.
Forward Disconnect 250 msec
500 msec
750 msec
1 second
2 seconds
This option configures the amount of time battery is removed
during far-end disconnect.
DNIS Protocol Disabled
DNIS Enabled
DNIS Enabled - No Answer
This option selects or deselects DNIS support for appropriate
voice/data port applications.
DNIS Delay* 0.5 seconds
1.0 second
1.5 seconds
2.0 seconds
2.5 seconds
3.0 seconds
3.5 seconds
4.0 seconds
When DNIS is activated, this option defines the delay time
between the transmitted DNIS wink, which signals off-hook/
loop closure, and the off-hook sent in signaling bits.
* Only available if DNIS Protocol is set to Enabled or Enabled-No Answer.