Command Reference Guide Demand Interface Configuration Command Set
61200990L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 640
connect-order [last-successful | round-robin | sequential]
Use the connect-order command to specify the starting point in the connection sequence for each
sequence activation. The connection sequence is a circular list. Use the no form of this command to restore
the default values.
Syntax Description
last-successful Specifies the connect sequence be processed beginning with the last successful
entry or the first entry if there are no previous connections.
round-robin Specifies the connect sequence be processed beginning with the entry that
follows the last successful entry or the first entry if there are no previous
sequential Specifies the connect sequence be processed from the beginning of the list.
Default Values
By default, connect sequences are processed sequentially.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 1000R, 3000, 4000, and 5000 Series units.
Command History
Release 11.1 Command was introduced.
Usage Examples
The following example configures the connection sequence to begin with the last successful entry:
(config)#interface demand 1
(config-demand 1)#connect-order last-successful