
Chapter 1. Introduction
1-6 TSU User Manual 61200060L1-1
Network Interface
The Network Interface (NI) port complies with the applicable
ANSI and AT&T standards.
Automatic or manual line build out
Network performance monitoring and reporting
Extensive self test
Nx56/64 Serial Interface
Data rates: N*56k or N*64k, where N=1 to 24 (DS0s)
Inverted data (Inverted HDLC)
A V.35 interface
Standard V.35 connectors
Test loopbacks with 511 pattern generation and check
Extensive self test
Control Port Input
EIA-232 input from a PC or a modem for control of the
Chain input from another TSU
Acts as input for PC proxy agent control or as input for a
chained connection
Chain Port Output
EIA-232 output to chain control to other TSUs
Automatic setup; no user input required